Thursday, August 21, 2008

"Open Meadow"

One of my latest pastel attempts..
Originally, I was going to crop the grass in the front out, but I worked it a little longer and decided to post the entire attempt.
The transition from the grass in the distance to the front still needs work, but I didn't want to risk the color becoming "muddy from overwork.
I'd love to know what you think.....thank you.


Amy's Place said...

I liked what you did with the opening grass, shading in between and highlighting next to the darker shading, my opinion is that it helped push the grass in the background further out. Great job on this one. Your pieces are only getting better and better.

Anonymous said...

This painting makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. -Eric

Anonymous said...

I cant help looking at this painting every time I get on. It feels alive to me. It seems to be in motion or something. I cant explain it real well, but I do likes it. I likes it alot. - Your prodigal son.